Pelvic Floor Therapy


The evaluation is the first session and, generally speaking, includes a review of medical history, lifestyle behaviors, bladder and bowel habits/routines, and observation of body mechanics during functional movement patterns. The evaluation session also includes education about pelvic muscle anatomy and how dysfunction contributes to your symptoms. Lastly, we discuss pelvic health norms and strategies for pelvic health.


A pelvic floor examination involves your external and internal pelvic floor muscles.

What is an internal pelvic floor examination?

An internal pelvic floor examination evaluates the internal function of your pelvic floor muscles, which may have dysfunctional tension, coordination, and/or weakness. Therefore, an internal examination provides valuable information about your pelvic floor muscle function to better achieve your personal goals.

Is the internal pelvic floor examination during the first session?

This is your choice and occurs when you are ready. Some clients prefer the examination during the first session and others prefer another session.

Is this necessary for pelvic floor therapy?

An internal examination is not required for pelvic floor therapy if this is outside your comfort zone. A skilled pelvic floor therapist is still able to gain needed information without this step as part of the evaluation to develop a personalized treatment plan. However, an internal examination provides invaluable information for us to better help you.


Starting at the first session, FIT Pelvic Health develops a personalized plan of care and implements this plan during subsequent sessions. Treatment sessions may include manual therapy, behavioral strategies, activity modifications, and a progressive home exercise program. This list is not exhaustive and depending on your personal goals, we will provide the necessary treatment with the highest level of care for you to achieve success.

How many sessions will I need?

We want to be 100% transparent with you. The body is complex, and no body is the same. If anyone tells you that they guarantee your issues to be resolved in a specific number of visits with 100% certainty, they are not being honest with you. Once the evaluation is complete, we will discuss the recommended number of sessions.

We are dedicated to your success, so if you are ready for a commitment towards change, you are in the right place.